kronach qr 500x375pxExemplary adaptation and implementation of an audio-visual media system for fortresses by using of QR-code system

Responsible Partner: City of Kronach

The multilingual, audio-visual system at various media spots is web based and has two operational modes with multitask applications. This database is to contain all necessary information concerning the Fortress Rosenberg together with its cultural historical context, all on the software framework basis. Any of the information, either given as text, visual or audio-file, will be easily accessible from various spots at the Fortress. The system will also enable every visitor to customize the given audio-visual information.


The database will have to be programmed by software engineers. It consists of a general classification structure that needs "filling in" with (textual, visual, audio-visual) information about the fortress, its history and characteristics up to running exhibitions etc. by every registered user- all in their own and English language. The information terminal data transfer and digital reading device should be accomplished by the usage of the internet portal via wireless LAN. Beside stationary terminals, the system enables an easy access to necessary standardized information in different languages to any visitor.

Using QR-code system

All information will be available to any digital reading device through the implemented QR-codes at every spot preferred within the monument. Each "visitor finds the Information available using Smartphone (accessible for all common Smartphone-system-software). Everyone without ""decoding-app"" can immediately download it via short-URL at the Fortresses database. Thanks to customized information management the method guarantees the individualized experience of each visit.

 European Regional Development Fund

This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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Lead Partner

City Kostrzyn nad Odrą
Graniczna Str. 2
66-470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą

phone: +48 95 727 81 00
fax: +48 95 727 81 02

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