International Conference "Implementing the fortified heritage Culture Route FORTE CULTURA in central Europe

Output 5.6.1

Date: October 8-th 2014

Location: Verona, Italy

Report to Project Output - PDF file [2,8 MB] - download

"Declaration of Josefov" - Declaration of unique cultural heritage fortified ideal cities for european cooperation and partnership in the frame of the european culture route FORTE CULTURA

Output: 5.6.2

Date: April 10-th 2014

Location: Jaromer-Josefov, Chech Republic

Signed Declaration - PDF file (1,8 MB) - download

Agreements for Participation of Forte Cultura - PDF file [11,6 MB] - download


General Concept of Culture Route FORTE CULTURA

Output 5.1.5

Responsible Project partner: Humboldt-University at Berlin assisted from ECCOFORT reg.ass.

The general concept for the European culture route FORTE CULTURA should be the platform for a common trans-national culture route development between the Baltic and Adriatic Sea, including all project participating fortresses and further fortress monuments from all Central European countries.

This concept defines the master conditions, criteria and characteristic of new tourist product culture route fortified monuments, their main structure and elements, especially:

• the aims and the content of route development
• the including bodies and external institutions (like tour operator)
• the target groups and the organisation procedures
• the selection and implementation of attractive fortress destinations in different cities and regions in all CE-countries
• the collection of basic information for route development
• thematic differentiation of separate route offers, - the optimal course, - time schedule and responsibilities.

The concept should prepare the basis for an effective route development in a short time between fortress monuments in Central Europe. The concept was prepared with trans-national work package 5 meeting (output 5.1.1) and special trans-national seminar to quality criteria of a culture route (output 5.1.4), lectured from experienced culture managers, from associated institution European Culture Route Institute and from ECCOFORT with information transfer of lessons learned from Baltic Fort Route development.

Both activities, are open for Central Europe fortress monuments, guarantees transnational knowledge collection and implementing into the concept.

PDF file [9,2 MB] - download

Heritage monuments fortress in Franconia

Output: 5.1.10

Prototype of journey

PDF file (10,5 MB) - download


Agreement and Foundation of Agency Culture Route Forte Cultura

Output 5.5.3

Responsible Project partner: ECCOFORT reg.ass

Output 5.5.3 was planned to found an "Agency Culture Route Forte Cultura". In the decision process was planned the development, structuring, discussion and foundation of a permanent body for culture route marketing, promotion and management.

These core output should ensure the durability of the culture route. The "Agency Culture Route Forte Cultura" should be the body for permanent joint and durable management of the trans-national culture route "Forte Cultura", with following main tasks:

- Central office for the coordination and management of trans-national cooperation between the members of the culture route;
- Administration of the culture route Forte Cultura in permanent interrelation with the culture route members;
- Market implementation, organisation of marketing activities, promotion, market presence of culture route;
- Information and cooperation with tour operators and tourist agencies in preparation of tourist offers, with local tour agents and tour guides;
- Extension of culture route, winning and implementing of new members and new offers for culture and event tourism.

During project should be signed a foundation agreement between the participating partners.

PDF file [0,7 MB] - download


 European Regional Development Fund


This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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