Experience Report
Implementation of Guiding System


The following experience report was planned to describe the successful implementation of a guiding system to Fortress Rosenberg. Due to uncontrollable circumstances concerning an unsolvable conflict within the financing procedure, the project in the midst of realization process, had to be concentrated on a conceptual level.

But nevertheless it was possible to develop a state of the art and forwardlooking concept for a future Multimedia Guiding System (MMG), that not only meets all needs and expectations but exceeded them. Through an extensive and elaborate examination process it was possible to articulate a concept framework.

This concept not only defines content and structure, but also the technical requirements and design. Its structure has been destined to dynamically fit onto every fortress with its individual context.

Based on this concept it will easily be possible to realize the MMG medium term.

Report - click to download

Guideline for effective e-marketing for fortified heritage

Output 3.5.3

FORTE CULTURA for the first time provides the ability to anchor fortress and heritage as a joint product under the label of a cultural route in the tourist market.

The "Guideline for effective e-marketing for fortified heritage" introduces into the world of online-marketing and teaches the basics and strategies of successful product presentation for fortified heritage in the World Wide Web. The guideline enables to understand the complex nature of online marketing and the different possibilities for using it to reach marketing targets in new ways.

Main topics are:
- online marketing step by step
- webpage structures
- e-mail marketing
- search engine marketing
- social media marketing
- affiliate marketing

The guideline will be published for online reading. A printed version as brochure can be ordered by ECCOFORT reg.ass. for a nominal charge plus postage. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

List of authors
Diana Kroll, Online Marketing Consultant
Jirko Weber, Web Developer
Dirk Röder, Online Marketing Consultant

E-Marketing Guideline - click to view


European Fortress tourism and Fortress Marketing Network e.V.

Output 3.6.3

The European Fortress Tourism and Fortress Marketing Network is an association of fortified monuments. As a non-government organization the association wants to raise the quality level of the European fortress tourism and fortress marketing. Tourism shall generate new income in order to preserve and use the cultural heritage fortified monuments.

click for more information


Social Media Concept for fortified heritage

Output 3.4.3

Social media allows publicly-managed communications on any topic. Here people talk to each other, publish their opinion directly, are emotionally open, critical and merciless. On social media you will find out what the visitors to your fortress think about the new exhibition, the last concert or coffee in the restaurant.

When you participate in social media actively, you have the opportunity to influence public opinion and to launch new themes and offers related to your fortress. Nevertheless, if you don't handle it correctly, social media carries the risk of destroying a good reputation within minutes, that you may have been building up for years using conventional means.

Therefore, the use of social media to achieve your marketing objectives requires a good strategy and planning, clear rules, a lot of sensitivity and a permanently high human cost.

This social media concept will help you to understand social media and to develop a strategy for dealing with it. It will be published for online. A printed version as brochure can be ordered by ECCOFORT reg.ass. for a nominal charge plus postage. Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

List of authors:
Diana Kroll, Online Marketing Consultant
Jirko Weber, Web Developer
Dirk Röder, Online Marketing Consultant

Cocial Media Concept - click to view


Case study "Status of economy and funding of the Bavarian fortified heritage"

Output 3.2.2

Case study - PDF file (1,3 MB) - download

Open Workshop "Fortified heritage: best practices Income generating", Verona

Output: 3.2.4

Date: October 2014

Report to Project Output - PDF file (1,2 MB) - download

Transnational Conference to identify best practice of fortress utilisation

Output 3.3.6

Author: Erika Farkas, Project manager, Fort Monostor Non-profit Ltd., Hungary

Report - PDF file (0,3 MB) - download

Guideline Effective Monument Financing and Fortress Management

Output 3.3.10

Guideline - PDF file (0,2 MB) - download


 European Regional Development Fund


This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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Lead Partner

City Kostrzyn nad Odrą
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66-470 Kostrzyn nad Odrą

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www: www.kostrzyn.pl

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The City Kostrzyn nad Odra, hereinafter referred to as "Lead Partner", maintains this website to enhance public access to information about Forte Cultura Project in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. However the Lead parner accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site.

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