Alberto d’Alessandro during his speech in Verona, Palazzo della Gran Guardia (Foto: H.-R. Neumann)With a dedicated speech, the Italian deputy of the European Council, Mr. Alberto d'Alessandro, has expressed his appreciation for FORTE CULTURA during the implementation conference on 8 October 2014 in Verona. Hardly any other project as FORTE CULTURA could be better contribute to the unification of Europe with some of those factors, which once separated Europe.

To convert military equipment to the peace while overcoming boundaries, was one of the main desires of FORTE CULTURA. Especially the northern Italian fortresses should be also taken into consideration.




Mr. d'Alessandro recalled in this connection the Convention of Faro (2005). FORTE CULTURA realizes fully the objectives, definitions and principles, which are written down in this Convention, that the preservation of cultural heritage and its sustainable use emphasise human development and quality of life. This would result in a shared responsibility for Cultural Heritage, and he hoped that even fortified towns and fortifications in northern Italy put together this responsibility.

Alberto d’Alessandro during his speech in Verona, Palazzo della Gran Guardia (Photo: H.-R. Neumann)

Alberto d'Alessandro during his speech in Verona, Palazzo della Gran Guardia (Photo: H.-R. Neumann)

 European Regional Development Fund

This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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