On the 4th and 5th of July 2014 at the Citadel in Erfurt the lead partner, project partners and guests participated in a workshop on the fortresses society impact and integration strategies. During the meeting the city of Erfurt presented good method examples and experiences together with other strongholds like how to integrate unemployed into the fortress maintenance and what re-integration results into the workplaces there are.
There were also Komárom and Kronach which presented fortresses as major employers with their significant role for the cities social structure.
During the event, a surprising promise of the FORTE CULTURA project objectives full support was given by the city of Erfurt, the project lead partner- to be in 2010. The Deputy Mayor, Tamara Thierbach (Die Linke), said: "The city council supports this project. Erfurt citizens worked hard to practically dig out the citadel of the ground. That is why resulting networks should be maintained and Erfurt tourism leaders involved."
On the photo above: During the event - The Deputy Mayor, Tamara Thierbach (left), talking to the project partner, Dr. Katrin Langer- Thuringian Institute for Advanced Studies reg. ass.manager with Erfurt architect and fortress expert, Karsten Grobe. Photo: Dr.-Ing. H.-R. Neumann