On the 11th of March 2013 project partners held a 2nd Network-Meeting of the project "Forte Cultura" at the Humboldt University in Berlin. The network meeting was well prepared with a previous Meeting of Technical Board. The Lead partner, the project management and the work package manager stated progress in accomplishing of a planned working program. Despite of a late start of the project, most of outputs of the first reporting period are fulfilled. Most important task at present is preparation of progress and financial reports concerning first reporting period and analysis of tasks for the running Reporting Period 2.
Ms. Stillerova, the finance manager of the Joint Technical Secretariat of Central Europe Program, explained the project partners rules and conditions of the program to ensure high quality of the report. She had attended the reunion and answered all troublesome questions after what the project partners discussed project financing and auditing procedures.
The Steering Committee Members analyzed consequences and activities for successful project continuation, especially preparation of the progress report.
The Network meeting was conducted in a form of online conference what enabled some project partners and associated institutions whose participation in Berlin was not possible to take an active part in project discussions.