servers datacenter 350pxServer as data storage for electronic data bank and Transnational Information System Central Europe fortified monuments

Responsible Partner: Humboldt Univerity at Berlin

Trans-national Information System (TIS) will be the first trans-national centralised electronic databank (electronic registration system) of the fortified heritage in Central Europe. The databank collects electronic documents, information and activities of fortress monuments and presents it for a wide range of users. Due to the fact that the TIS is complex data and information collection it requires a special hardware for storage, saving and transferring/disseminating the information. The server has to be equipped with special technics and capability to realise this demand.

The preparation of the investment will be realised together with the trans-national cooperation and a development process. It shall start with a trans-national WP-meeting (output 4.4.1) which aim is to prepare the databank-development, like common identification of a development method, structure and content of the electronic registration system, as well as the communication tools and the usage principles.

As a result a programme system shall be developed together with a data storage system (output 4.4.2). On that basis there will be defined a concrete specification of the parameters and a certain kind of a storage both: hardware and software, leaded from Humboldt-University Berlin.

This data server is directly linked with the activity 4.4: Transnational Information System and databank CE-fortified heritage and the core output 4.4.3 Implementation of Transnational Information System.

The data server is the necessary hardware including software for:
- collection and saving of data concerning the fortified heritage in Central Europe
- it is also to be a resource and technical basis for the Trans-national Information System (TIS) of fortified heritage in Central Europe.

 European Regional Development Fund

This project is implemented by the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme
co-financed by the ERDF.

 European Union

Forte Cultura Project Newsletter 1, 2013

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